Operation Transformation
Our Operation Transformation program continues every Wednesday evening at 6pm in Cuman Iosaf for circuit training and every Sunday morning at 9am, meeting at the begining of the Tralee-Fenit Greenway opposite Dunnes Stores at Top Motor Parts. There is no charge to participate and new people always welcome. For the more energetic amongst us, the club is also encouraging people to participate in the Parkrun that takes place every Saturday morning at 9:30am in Tralee Town Park.
Club Social
After ten years of hard work and great success, Tralee Parnells are having our very first Annual Social at the Rose Hotel on Saturday 11th February 2023. This will hopefully be a glamorous and fun filled occasion where we can all celebrate all that has been done and enjoy a night of dining and dancing ‘til late. We hope that all parents and senior players will come along to support everything that is good about Tralee Parnells, and to dance the night away! Full details are appearing on the Club website and socia media. Tickets at €50 each can be purchased from our Committee Members in the Reception Area of the Rose Hotel between 7p.m. and 9p.m. every Thursday night between now and the Big Night.
All members, as well as non-members, are invited to attend. It is primarily an adult event, but as special presentations are being made to some underage players then members under the age of 18 are also invited to attend or at 085 1355566.
Thank you to Eamon Costello Ltd who are kindly sponsoring our social night
National Club Draw
National Club Draw tickets are still available. There are some great prizes to be won including a new Dacia Duster car as the 1st prize. All proceeds will go towards the day to day running of the club. The draw will take place on March 15th. Tickets can be bought online at https://bit.ly/TPNCD2023 or by texting 085 1355566.
Club PRO
At our recent AGM, the only role that wasn’t filled was that of Hurling Public Relations Officer (PRO). This is a very important role in the club and one that would suit someone who is digitally capable, enjoys writing and is comfortable using Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). If anyone is interested, please contact Chairperson Stephen Buttimer or any member of the Executive. Support will be given from the outgoing PRO and from other members of the Executive.