Membership for the 2025 season is open and all members should be registered by the end of March. Players/parents can register via the official GAA application (same as last year) and select Tralee Parnells. There are various membership options available.
The fees remain the same as last year. If you registered last year, your account should exist. If the email address linked to your account needs to be updated you should contact the club Registrars. Only adults should have an account on Foireann. After you login you should create/modify your family and verify that all family members have been setup correctly. Boys must be registered with the GAA and Girls must be registered for Camogie. It is important to remember to update any relevant medical information. Once all members have been setup you should select the membership option on the left hand menu and select the suitable registration option(s). Some registration options can be paid in instalments. If there are any issues/queries contact either of the club registrars: Kieran Fitzgerald 086 283 5906 or Lynda Harris 087 282 0448
For insurance purposes, all members must be registered by the end of March or before their first competitive game, whichever is sooner.
Academy Training
There was another great turn-out for the academy training session on Friday night and this week we were honoured to have legendary Kerry player and manager Maurice Leahy leading the session. Maurice was well impressed with the skills on display at the Kerry Sports Academy at MTU. We would like to thank Maurice for giving his time to coach our young players. Training will continue on Friday evenings 6 to 7pm at MTU for boys and girls from U6 to U10. Those who have not tried hurling before are very welcome to come along and give it a go. Hurleys and helmets will be supplied by the club for the first few weeks.
Family Table Quiz
The club will hold a table quiz as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge on Thursday 6th March at 6:30PM at MTU. The quiz will be a fun event for all the family. Entry fee of 10 euro per table. For more information or to enter contact 087 6338379
National Club Draw
National club draw were distributed to all club members by post. We ask that all tickets whether sold or unsold are returned using the stamped self-addressed envelope that was included. The draw includes some fabulous prizes including a top prize of €50k in cash as well as various All Ireland Weekend packages.
The numbers drawn on Monday evening 24th February were 1, 7, 12, 13. Congratulations to Caitriona Chester who won the lucky dip prize of 25 euro. The next draw will take place on 10th March. Play at Your continued support is much appreciated.